Saturday, July 27, 2024





Semolina 1 cup
Sugar 1 ½ cup
Butter 100 Gms or ghee
Cadju nuts 10
Plums 1 tablespoon
Cardamom powder pinch
Kesari powder 1 pinch - Kesari powder is powdered saffron


Chop and fry cadju and plums separately in hot butter or ghee.

In a pan roast the semolina with some butter or ghee until golden.

To this add 2 cups of boiled water, kesari powder and cook until semolina is well cooked and soft.

Now stir in the sugar and keep stirring to avoid sticking to bottom of the pan, add the rest of melted butter or ghee and cook for further three minutes stirring all the time.

When done, add the roasted cadju, plums and cardamom powder and stir and remove from fire.

Spread the mixture evenly in a greased flat tray and cut into squares and let it cool.