Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lemon / Lime


                          Lemon                                           Lime


Lemon or lime is again not a spice but extensively used all over the world and hence a description is given. Lemons and limes are related fruits of tropical citrus tree, but they are two different fruits. Lemon is bright yellow fruit with thick peel and has more vitamin content. Lime is bright green fruit smaller than the lemon, more globular, more acid, and with a thinner rind. Lemons and limes are the richest source of minerals and vitamins of any food or foods known to man.

Lemon and lime contain phosphorus and one of its greatest properties is its ability to digest proteins when put on meat, poultry, fish, beans and eggs. With its heavy fruit calcium it supplies bones, teeth, and nervous system with basic nourishment. Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries! Lemons contain about one-third more vitamin C than limes. Add lemon juice to dishes just before serving because its vitamin C components break down during the cooking process.

Nutritional Value:

One medium lemon has 18 calories, no fat or cholesterol, only 10 milligrams of sodium and supplies 35% of the daily recommendation of Vitamin C. Lemons are a great source of vitamin B6, iron, and potassium. Rich in antioxidants and pectin. They offer dietary fibre, vitamin C, calcium, folic acid, manganese, magnesium, zinc and other nutrients.

General uses:

Lemons are used to make lemonade, and as a garnish for drinks. Many mixed drinks, soft drinks, iced tea, and water are often served with a wedge or slice of lemon in the glass or on the rim.

The average lemon contains approximately 3 tablespoons of juice. Allowing lemons to come to room temperature before squeezing (or heating briefly in a microwave) makes the juice easier to extract. Lemons left unrefrigerated for long periods of time are susceptible to mould

. Fish are marinated in lemon juice to neutralize the odour. The acid neutralizes the amines in fish by converting them into non-volatile ammonium salts.

Lemon juice, alone or in combination with other ingredients, is used to marinate meat before cooking: the acid provided by the juice partially tenderizes the tough collagen fibres in the meat.

Lemons, alone or with oranges, are used to make marmalade.

The grated rind of the lemon, called lemon zest, is used to add flavour to baked goods, puddings, rice and other dishes. Pickled lemons are a Moroccan delicacy. A liqueur called limoncello is made from lemon rind.

Citric acid - Lemons were the primary commercial source of this substance prior to the development of fermentation-based processes. Used to sanitise and deodorise kitchens, remove grease, bleach stain, and disinfect; when mixed with baking soda, lemon can remove stains from plastic food storage containers.

Lemon juice applied to the hair can work as a natural hair lightener.

Applying lemon juice to facial blemishes is a popular form of treating acne. Lemon is used in facial masks for refreshing the skin.

Natural deodorants are generally made from lemon extracts. Raw lemon can be used as a short term deodorant.

Used in washing up liquids to deodorise.

Culinary uses:

Limes and lemons are used in cooking various dishes and especially in meat and fish dishes.

To avoid browning of apple slices, sprinkle the cut pieces with lemon juice that's been diluted a bit with water.

Lemon is pickled and stored for a long period and is a favourite side dish in Yarlpanam and in South India. It goes very well with curd rice.

Lime juice is a source of Vitamin C and when added to spinach when cooked provides with Vitamin C to help absorb the iron in the Spinach and other greens. This is the reason our ancestors having no scientific knowledge added lime juice to curried greens

Medicinal uses:

Lemon juice taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach daily eliminates water retention and helps with weight reduction.

Also for fever, the juice of one lemon is to be added to a cup of hot water with honey and drunk at once every 2 hours till fever or chill subsides.

Prevent dark circled eyes by twice daily applications of lemon juice. It is claimed that lemon is a miraculous product to kill cancer cells and it is 10000 times stronger than chemotherapy.

This is also considered to be an anti microbial action against bacterial infections and fungi, effective against internal parasites and worms. It regulates blood pressure and combats stress.

It is proved that lemon stops the free radicals that cause the signs of aging even better than vitamin E.

General uses:

Toothbrushes immersed in lemon juice, diluted with water, remain clean, as well as the teeth. Add lemon juice to a stain on cotton and let it sit out in the sun to naturally bleach it out. Cleans stains on porcelain, copper, bronze and aluminium - dip cloth in lemon juice, polish, rinse with warm water.