Saturday, July 27, 2024


Achcharu – அச்சாறு




Achcharu is actually preserved selected vegetables served as a side dish with main meals like rice and curry. Mainly used in the South of the country it is also popular in the North.


Red onions 100 grams
Green Chillies 6 numbers
Green beans 6 numbers
Carrot one large
Vinegar 50 ml
Mustard seeds 2 tablespoons
Garlic 3 cloves
Ginger one inch piece
Chilli powder one tablespoon or more for taste
Sugar one table spoon
Salt to taste


Peel the skin of red onions, wash and dry. Clean the carrot and cut into thin long pieces slit the green chillies in the middle slightly and cut the stalk short.

Clean and wash the beans, cut into 1or 2 inch pieces.

Grind the mustard, garlic and ginger separately with some vinegar and mix with chilli powder and salt.

In an earthen pot, boil some vinegar and when boiling put the carrots, onions, beans and green chillies and turn and remove.Do not cook just blanch.

In the same vinegar, add the spice mixture and cook for one minute and when ready put all the blanched vegetables and mix, if necessary add more vinegar.

Leave this pot covered for the vegetables to marinade in the vinegar and when the pot is cool, cover with its lid or transfer contents into a clean dry glass jar and store in a dry place.

Put all this mixture in a clean dry bottle or jar and close with its lid.