Saturday, July 27, 2024


Chicken Buriyani


Basmati rice 3 cups
Chicken 500 g - legs and breasts only
Onions 2 medium
Turmeric powder ½ teaspoon
Chilli powder 1 teaspoon
Curry powder 1 teaspoon
Cloves 5
Garlic 4 cloves
Ginger 1 inch piece
Pepper powder freshly ground ½ teaspoon
Tomatoes 2 medium
Curry leaves 1 sprigs
Cinnamon 2 inch stick
Cashew nuts 100 Gms
Butter or vegetable oil 3 tablespoon
Cardamoms pods 3
Salt to taste
Water 6 cups


Wash and drain rice. Remove skin of chicken pieces, wash and then cut into 2 - 3 inch pieces.

Dice the onions. Peel and grate the garlic.

Chop the tomato into small pieces.

Dry roast cadju nuts and cut into smaller pieces.

Heat the oil in a large pan and gently fry the onion till golden brown. Remove this from the pan and save.

Reduce the heat and add to the remaining oil, the chilli powder, curry powder, curry leaves, grated garlic and chopped ginger and stir for 2 to 3 minutes.

Add the meat, pepper powder and cook for about 6 minutes.

Add the chopped tomatoes, cloves, cinnamon, cardamoms, turmeric, salt 2 cups of water and cook for further 5 minutes. 

Now add the rice to the chicken in the pan and add rest of the water to cook the rice.

Cover the pan and simmer on a very low flame for about 15-20 minutes until the rice is cooked. 

Remove, sprinkle the roasted cashew on top of the rice and serve. 

Long grain white rice or samba can be used instead of basmati rice.

Serve with: Sliced onions, fried aubergines and sliced hard boiled eggs.


Chicken Buriyani (Another method)


Basmati rice 3 cups
Chicken Thighs 8
Chicken stock 2 cups
G garlic Cloves 5
Green chillies 10
Ginger 1 inch long piece
Onion big 2
Tomato 1 large
Cinnamon stick 1 inch
Cardamom pods 3
Cloves 3
Saffron threads 0ne pinch
Oil 2 tablespoons
Lime juice 1 tablespoon
Water as necessary
Butter or margarine 50 Gms
Cashew nuts ½ cup
Readymade Buriyani powder 3 tablespoons or paste as directed


In a frying pan dry roast the cadju nuts and when done remove and cut each into small pieces.

In a frying pan, dry roast the cinnamon, cloves and cardamon and grind them to a fine powder.

Dice the onion into small pieces. Cut tomato into small pieces.

Grind garlic, green chillies and ginger into a paste.

Clean and remove the skin off the chicken pieces. If you like cut each thigh into two.

In a cooking pot, fry some onion in oil and add the garlic ginger paste, ground cinnamon powder, chicken pieces, salt, Tomato pieces, and one cup chicken stock and cook until the chicken is cooked.

While chicken is cooking, soak the saffron threads in a tablespoon of hot water.

Soak the rice in water for 15 minutes.

When chicken is cooked, remove from fire and add the lime juice and leave it aside.

Remove chicken pieces from the gravy.

Now cook the rice; In a cooking pot or rice cooker, place the washed rice and add one cup chicken stock, the saffron liquid, the chicken gravy and more water to make up 2 ½ cups of liquid in total and cook until rice is almost cooked.

Now in an oven dish rub some butter at the bottom of the tray, place a layer of rice and then another layer of the cooked chicken.

Repeat with rice and chicken layers until all the curry and rice is exhausted.

Add remaining butter on top, sprinkle with cashew nuts, cover with tinfoil and bake cook in an oven for about 20 minutes or until the rice is dry.

When done remove and rest for 10 minutes and then stir well and serve.