Friday, July 26, 2024


Microwave Seafood Dishes

Crab curry (Shell free)


Cooked crab meat 500 Gms
Onions 2 large
Green chillies 2
Roasted curry powder 1 tablespoon or readymade curry paste 1½ tablespoons
Fennel seeds 1 teaspoon
Curry leaves 10
Milk 1 cup
Oil 2 tablespoons
Lime juice 1 tablespoons
Ginger 1 inch piece
Salt to taste


Part of this recipe is done on a conventional cooker first.

Dice onions, cut green chillies into two lengthwise and ginger into very small pieces.

In a hot pan on a conventional cooker, dry roast fennel seeds until they turn golden, add oil and fry onions.

When they turn golden, reduce the heat to low and add curry leaves, green chillies, ginger pieces and temper and when soft remove from fire.

In a microwaveable cooking dish, empty the contents of the pan and add the crab meat, curry powder (or curry paste), salt, milk and stir

Cover the dish and cook in low heat for 10 minutes.

Stir and cook in medium heat until all the water has evaporated and the raw smell of curry powder has gone.

Rest for two minutes and then add lime juice.

Leave to rest again for 2 minutes.

Cuttle fish curry - squid curry


Cuttle fish 500 Gms
Roasted curry powder 2 tablespoons or readymade curry paste 2 tablespoons + 2 Green Chillies
Onions 2 medium
Green chillies 3
Curry leaves 8
Coconut milk or milk 1 cups
Fennel seeds 1 teaspoon
Oil 2 tablespoons
Lime juice 1 tablespoons
Salt to taste


Clean and wash the cuttle fish if you can or get the fish monger to clean this for you.

Cut it into ¾ inch squares.

Remember these shrink while cooking.

In a hot pan on a conventional cooker dry roast the fennel seed and when browned add oil and fry the diced onions, add the cut green chillies, curry leaves and fry till onions turn golden.

In a microwaveable dish, empty the contents of the pan and add the cuttle fish pieces, curry powder or paste, salt, milk and cover and cook on half heat for 10 minutes.

Stir and cook for further 10 minutes on half heat until the cuttle fish is cooked and not hard. Then heat in full heat to simmer and liquid reduced to half.

Rest for 2 minutes and add the lime juice.

Stir and leave to rest before serving.

Fish curry White

This dish is very suitable for small children who cannot eat hot chilli curry. And you need fish without bones like salmon or tuna. This can also be prepared with other fish varieties without doubt.


Fish - salmon 200 Gms
Readymade Curry paste 2 teaspoons
Garlic 5 cloves
Green chillies 2
Onions 1 medium
Milk 1 cup
Salt to taste
Lime juice
Oil for frying


Clean, wash and cut the fish into 2 inch cubes.

Grind the onion, garlic and the green chillies in a grinder to a smooth paste.

In a microwaveable dish place the fish pieces, this onion paste, curry paste, salt, milk and shake the dish to mix well.

Cook this in a microwave oven in half power for 10 minutes.

Remove and shake the dish to mix again. (Do not stir with spoon).

Heat the dish again for further 10 minutes in half power.

Remove and check if fish is cooked and gravy has thickened.

If not heat again until the fish is well cooked.

Rest for 2 minutes before you add some lime juice.

Prawn curry


Fresh prawns 500 Gms
Tomatoes 1 medium
Onions 1 large
Green chillies 2
Fennel seeds 1 teaspoon
Curry leaves 8
Roasted curry powder 1 tablespoons or readymade curry paste 2 tablespoons
Milk 2 cups
Salt to taste
Oil 2 tablespoons
Lime juice 1 tablespoons


Shell, clean and wash prawns and set aside.

Slice tomatoes and dice onions, cut green chillies.

In a hot pan on a conventional cooker, dry roast fennel seeds, and when turned golden add oil and fry the onions until golden, add curry leaves and green chillies and temper.

In a microwaveable dish, empty the contents of this pan and add the tomatoes, curry powder and 1 cup water and cook in medium heat until tomatoes have softened.

Add the prawns and milk and heat in low heat for ten minutes or until prawns have been cooked.

Now cook in full heat for 3 minutes to simmer.

Rest for 2 minutes and add lime juice to taste.

If you save the head and shells of the prawns, wash and boil these in water and sieve the water off and save. Use this stock instead of water to cook the tomatoes.

Tin fish curry


Can of Mackerel or Pilchard 1 - should be oil, saline or water based not with any kind sauce - 425 Gms
Green chillies 2
Onions 1 medium
Roasted curry powder 1 tablespoons or curry paste 1 tablespoon + Green chillies 2
Coconut milk or milk 150 ml
Curry leaves 10
Fenugreek 1 teaspoons
Fennel seeds 1 teaspoon
Salt to taste
Lime juice 1 tablespoons
Oil 1 tablespoons


Open the fish tin and drain all the fluid and save both.

Try and keep the fish pieces as they are and do not cut them.

Dice onions and cut green chillies into small pieces.

In a pan on a conventional cooker, roast the fennel seeds and fenugreek seeds and add the oil and fry the onions until golden brown and add the cut green chillies and curry leaves and fry until soft.

In a microwaveable dish, empty the contents of this pan and add the milk, curry powder, salt, cover and cook in low heat until the raw flavour of curry powder disappears. Needs about 10 minutes.

Remove dish from the oven and add the fish and the liquid from the can if you wish and cook for further six minutes in half heat.

Do not stir after the fish has been added.

Leave it to rest for 2 minutes before adding the lime juice.